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The Power of Pizza: Economic and Dietary Effects on Infant Health in Peru

Learn how growing demand for pizza in Peru is changing the health of infants in Highland Peru in our first online Science on Tap talk.

Science on Tap's monthly talk series is moving online! For our first online Science on Tap, we will discuss the power that pizza has to change the world or at least affect our health and wellbeing. Rather than looking at the effects of consuming pizza in the United States, we will learn about how the growing demand for pizza in Peru is reshaping local economies and altering people’s economic strategies as the dairy industry to produce pizza cheese grows. These new economic activities are connected to improving health outcomes for Peruvian babies who benefit from increased access to animal-based foods like milk as well as extra income from dairying.

About the Speaker: Morgan Hoke, PhD

Morgan Hoke is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania where she teaches a wide variety of classes ranging from "Evolutionary Medicine" to "From Ayahuasca to Zoloft: Anthropological Perspectives on Drugs and Drug Use." Her research set in the highlands of southern Peru focuses on the ways in which economic and nutritional changes associated with globalization affect the health and wellbeing of rural Quechua populations. Her areas of expertise include human growth and development, nutrition, infant feeding, gut function, and water-related health. Her next project, scheduled to begin in the summer of 2021, will examine the effects of climate change on water-related vulnerabilities among high altitude populations in Peru. In addition to academic pieces, Morgan has written popular science pieces on why human babies are so fat and why we love baby Yoda. When she is not in Peru or working, she enjoys hiking with her husband Douglas Smit and their two dogs, Charlie Darwin and Nuna, making ceramics, or playing with their foster kittens (you can check them out on instagram or tiktok @westphillykittens). You can follow Morgan on Twitter @MorganHoke.

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